This is a list of the websites, blogs, and YouTube channels covering classic science fiction which I enjoy, find useful, and recommend.
Black Gate [RSS]
Formerly a print magazine from 2000 to 2011, now online only. Highly active blog with numerous contributors and various recurring series. Paperback Picnic Irregular blog about "weird old books" (typically genre fiction) by writer Will Greatwich. The Por Por Books Blog Very active blog focusing mainly on SF and fantasy books from 1968 to 1988. Expect some adult content, too. Science Fiction and Other Suspect Ruminations Written pseudonymously by "Joachim Boaz" (named for a character in Barrington J. Bayley's The Pillars of Eternity). Well-researched blog focusing on SF from the period 1945 to 1985. Enjoys busy comment sections. Jumbled Thoughts of a Fake Geek Boy [RSS] "Books, films, TV, videogames, comics, music, all that bread and circuses stuff", from Arthur B. Mewsings [RSS] Generalist blog by Murray Ewing, with significant coverage of SF including authors like John Wyndham and J.G. Ballard. |
The Science Fiction Encyclopedia (SFE).
Arguably the single most important SF resource online. First published in print in 1979, online in its fourth edition since 2021. Edited by John Clute and David Langford. The Internet Speculative Fiction Database (ISFDB). Extremely useful bibliographic database covering SF, fantasy, and horror which strongly complements the SFE. Online since 1995. |